An ode to a fish

A full moon night companioned drizzling dark clouds,

An eerie feel inside voiced out loud,

A glimpse of mammoth bat bathing in the silver light, stumbled upon a child who lacked the mind sight…

Lonely abode and carcass of a dead fish,

Not sure what was its dying wish?

One that possessed the magic of melting cold hearts, now lies like a stone when life drifted apart….

One that absorbed the darkness in exchange of light,

Calmed sad souls filling with delight,

Lost its life in other men’s fight…

A trade of a life with another life.

Who has won against nature’s strife…

A burial of honour in a soiled grave pot,

Will raise existence on its decaying rot…

Would be watered by tears until a new form will grow,

A farewell to a soul who transcended to moon lit rainbow…


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