The fall

Alas! This moment feels like a whirlwind,

Breaking my existence into tiny droplets,

I am the drizzle, born from the aftermath,

Of a raging storm, swirling and twirling,

Lashing and bashing, on the surface of,

The ever so rough and windy life!

Not allowed to rest or settle, my story,

Too insignificant to make one rattle,

A weary soldier of an aimless battle,

Shattered but still testifying my mettle!

While a significant part of me still fights,

There is a bit that wishes to fall,

Not on the walls of another challenge,

But on a hopeful heart, facing the sky,

Craving to embrace my cold touch,

On a breezy, drizzling, desiring night!


  1. Loved this V! The imagery set at the very opening sets a melancholy tone in its personification. The reader shares in the desire to find wanted rest and you close with the whisper of a wish to fall on someone seeking you. It is tragic, sad, hopeful, and strong all stitched together in well-chosen words. Bravo, my friend!

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